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psychological support meaning in Hindi

psychological support sentence in Hindi

मनोवैज्ञानिक समर्थन
psychological    मनोविज्ञान-संबंधी
support    शह आधार आलम्बन
1.It also runs a care program that provides children with psychological support.

2.However, they also needed the psychological support of other survivors .&

3.But by communicating with each other and sharing experiences, it's a psychological support base.

4.Methods of psychological support and approbation, using the sociomapping method.

5.Wheat increased marginally, gaining psychological support from scattered export buying.

6.Psychological Support and Resistance levels form an important part of a trader's technical analysis.

7.I really don't need the kind of spiritual or psychological support I once did.

8.Lack of medical psychological support resources also puts victims of war rape at further disadvantage.

9.The presence of adult males seems to lend psychological support to the smaller adult females.

10.Hence, a systematic and sustainable way of psychological support for traumatised journalists is strongly needed.

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How to say psychological support in Hindi and what is the meaning of psychological support in Hindi? psychological support Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.